BiH Delegation visits RATEL as National CERT


BELGRADE, 21 September – A delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina made a study visit to RATEL in its capacity of the National CERT of the Republic of Serbia, with the aim of getting acquainted with its role and competencies, and to exchange information, good practice and legal framework in the area of cyber security.

In cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the National CERT organized and hosted a technical training on CyberRange platform for the representatives of state institution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through the technical exercise performed on this cutting edge cyber security training platform, the attendees had an opportunity to improve their detection skills and cyber attack defense techniques. The added value of this type of training is the upgrading of the general level of cyber space protection in the entire region.

The objective of the visit was to enhance HR capacities of state employees in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to advance the existing collaboration between the colleagues in the region.