CERP Working Group Policy in Belgrade


The eleventh meeting of the CERP Policy WG is being held on May 23-24 in Belgrade, at the premises of the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services. The first day of the meeting is dedicated to the definition of a European platform on several specific questions regarding the reform of the Universal Postal Union (UPU funding system in particular), which will be presented by the European countries at the UPU Extraordinary Congress, to be held in September 2018 in Addis Ababa.

The second day is dedicated to the preparatory activities regarding participation of the CERP experts in the process of adoption of the new EU Postal Directive and of the CERP Draft Strategy Document for 2018-2021, the latter being expected in June 2018, at the 53rd CERP Plenary in Copenhagen.

The meeting of the Policy WG in Belgrade is the last gathering of the Group before the final arrangement with the European Commission, the CERP Plenary Session and the UPU Extraordinary Congress.