National CERT takes part in FIRST Conference


Due to FIRST (Forum of Incident and Response Security Teams) Fellowship program, earlier in 2019, the National CERT of the Republic of Serbia became a part of the FIRST network, thus gaining the opportunity to participate in the Annual FIRST Conference, dedicated to information security. The presence of the National CERT of the Republic of Serbia at this Conference marks the beginning of the process for obtaining full membership status in this organization.

The meeting entitled „Annual FIRST Conference“ which took part in Edinburgh between June 17 and 21 is the largest global convention in the domain of information security, gathering this year around 1200 experts from more than 80 countries.

RATEL delegation initiated full inclusion of the National CERT of the Republic of Serbia in various cooperation activities pertaining to information security, with an aim to improve its own capacities to combat security risks in ICT systems.

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