RATEL’s presentation at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad


As part of cooperation between the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTS) in Novi Sad and RATEL, the Agency’s Sector of Electronic Communications presented, on May 29, 2018, to the FTS students and professors, the current projects from its scope of competence. The presentation was attended by students and professors of the Chair for Theory of Electrical Engineering, Chair for Telecommunications and Signal Processing and Chair for Postal Traffic and Communications.

The presented activities included: Mobile Networks Benchmarking, RATEL NetTest application, RF spectrum monitoring, digital broadcasting replanning, preparation of the digital radio impementation plan, implementation of the database on available electronic communications network capacities. Special focus was put on the EMF RATEL system for continuous monitoring of electromagmetic field levels, realized by RATEL in cooperation with the FTS.

Beside the presentations, it was discussed about the continuation and expansion of cooperation between the Agency and FTS, via common research projects and student professional practice. Judging by the positive feedback from the students and professors, this kind of cooperation will continue.