RATEL made Decision on the requirements regarding the provision of public electronic communications services at a fixed location via public mobile communications networks using CLL technology (Cellular Local Loop)

In order to encourage technologically neutral competition in the domain of electronic communications networks and services, enhance their capacity and quality, and contribute to the development of the electronic communications market and protection of the interest of electronic communications users, pursuant to Article 3 of the Law on Electronic Communications („Official Gazette of RS“, Nos. 44/10, 60/13-CC Decision and 62/14), the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (hereinafter: the Agency) initiated the procedure to set requirements allowing public mobile communcations network operators to provide to end users electronic communications services at a fixed location via their mobile communications networks, in all settlements with up to 1500 inhabitants, in accordance with the information of The Statistical Office from the latest official census in the Republic of Serbia, and made the adequate Decision No. 1-01-3491-301/16-5 of September 9, 2016.

In the previous period, the number of users of electronic communications service at a fixed location provided via mobile communications networks (Cellular Local Loop - CLL) has not significantly changed, so certain operators urged the Agency to reconsider its decision regarding restriction in the use of the above technology.

Accordingly, pursuant to the provision of Article 94 of the Law on General Administrative Procedure („Official Gazette of RS“, No. 18/16, hereinafter: LGAP), in connection with Articles 7 and 9 of LGAP, the Agency initiated, on December 28, 2017, in a public announcement, general administrative procedure aimed at adoption of a new decision which shall regulate provision of public electronic communications services at a fixed location via public mobile communications networks, and invited operators to give their statement regarding facts and circumstances being the subject of this administrative matter.

Following the assessment of the submitted operators’ statements regarding facts and circumstances being the subject of this administrative matter, on April 16, 2018 the Agency made a new Decision, to be publicly delivered, on the requirements allowing the provision of public electronic communications services at a fixed location via public mobile communications networks using CLL technology (Cellular Local Loop) in settlements with up to 3000 inhabitants.

Public announcement of this Decision was carried out on April 19, 2018, pursuant to Article 78 of LGAP. The public submission of the document is considered to be completed after the expiration of a 15-day period from the date of its publication on the Agency’s Website and notice board.

CLL Decision 3000 inhabitants