RATEL visiting IT and E-Government Office


As part of the Agreement signed last year by the two institutions, the first working meeting regarding future activities was held. Among the discussed topics were: the use of both the IT and e-Government Office and RATEL’s existing capacities for the development of the respective information systems, use of the Republic organs’ ICT networks and capacities of the national data center, use of the national open data portal, possibilities of the center for information security (CERT) and financial aspects of internationally and nationally funded projects.

On that occasion, it was discussed about the Open Data contest in Serbia, where RATEL, with another two institutions, was recognized as a desirable candidate for building different target groups’ capacities intended for processing and creative use of open data.

Dr Vladica Tintor, director of RATEL, spoke about information security and the role of NRA, including RATEL’s ten-year long experience of using document management system, whereas dr Mihailo Jovanović, director of the IT and e-Government Office, presented the data center construction project in Kragujevac, as well as the plan to introduce document management system in state organs and institutions.