150th Anniversary of Universal Postal Union
Today we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), an international organization tasked with coordination of postal policies and rules among the member countries and the postal system as a whole. On October 9, 1874, in Bern, the UPU was established, with the Principality of Serbia being among the 22 founding countries. Today the UPU is a United Nations agency enabling, through its activities, global unity of the postal territory, comprising 193 member countries accepting the same conditions for the provision of international postal services. The UPU is the first universal world organization and as such, it pioneers global multilateral collaboration.
For the purpose of faster development and advancement of international postal traffic, the UPU has adopted certain principles: single postal territory, freedom of postal transit and uniform letter-post charges.
„Today, the UPU leads efforts to modernize and improve postal services. It provides a space for countries to share knowledge, find new solutions, and address modern challenges. The UPU's spirit of cooperation helps turn obstacles into opportunities, making sure postal services evolve with the changing world. Where once we viewed the rise of digital communication and the decline in traditional mail volumes as a threat, we now see a wealth of possibilities. The UPU's extensive network has adapted to support a broader range of services – including e-commerce, financial, social and digital services – ensuring inclusive access for people worldwide, including in the most remote areas in order to leave no-one behind. This inclusive approach strengthens our ability to address global challenges, like climate change, which requires cooperation across borders. As we look to the future, the UPU’s mission remains clear: to connect and empower people around the world. By staying committed to multilateralism, innovation, and inclusivity, the UPU will continue to support global communication and serve future generations for the next 150 years.“, said in his greeting message Director General, Masahiko Metoki.
António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, said in his greeting, that the UPU continues to leverage new technologies to provide essential services to humanity, so on this important day, we should honour and celebrate the work of the Universal Postal Union to bridge distances and unite the world.
On this special occasion, the UPU is organizing the 53rd International Letter-Writing Competition in partnership with UNICEF and with the participation of UNESCO to empower children and youth worldwide by encouraging literacy and creativity through the art of letter writing. The campaign serves as a platform for the youth to acquaint themselves with the purpose of postal services, while learning to promote letter-writing through international friendship.
In 2024, participants will be encouraged to reflect on the future of the world under the theme: "At 150 years old, the UPU has served people around the world for more than eight generations. The world has changed enormously since then. Write a letter to future generations about the world you hope they inherit."