42nd BEREC Ordinary Meetings and 1st IRG General Assembly 2020 Hosted by RATEL


RATEL will be the host of the 42nd ordinary meetings of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications and the 1st General Assembly of the Independent Regulators Group (IRG) in 2020, held in Belgrade, on 5-6 March.

It is a great honour for RATEL to be entrusted to host the biggest meeting of the European regulators for electronic communication held in Serbia for the first time.

BEREC contributes to a consistent application of the EU regulatory framework, by aiming to promote an effective internal market in telecoms sector, in order to bring even greater benefits to consumers and businesses. It does so, by promoting competition and investment, by promoting the Internal market and by empowering and protecting end-users.

In addition to NRAs from the Member States, BEREC is open to the participation of regulatory authorities of the third countries with primary responsibility in the field of electronic communications, such as EU Candidate Countries and EFTA countries, where those third countries have entered into agreements with the Union to that effect. BEREC commenced its activities in January 2010, and RATEL has been actively participating in its work since March 2012.