73 EMF sensors in 35 Serbian cities


At the end of this year, RATEL completed installation of the planned number of sensors as part of a socially responsible project “System for continuous monitoring of electromagnetic field levels – EMF RATEL” in the Republic of Serbia.  

In March 2020, 15 sensors were installed, with the EMF network being expanded by another 7 sensors in June, and additional 25 networked sensors being set up in the second half of the year. The EMF RATEL network counts 73 sensors in total across 35 Serbian cities. In this year alone, 47 sensors have been installed – an admirable achievement in the present difficult circumstances of living and doing business.

EMF RATEL uses a network of sensors performing continuous and long-term monitoring of electromagnetic field levels generated by electronic communications networks and equipment.

Thanks to RATEL’s EMF project, the results of electromagnetic field measurements have been made available to the citizens as part of an effort to inform and educate the public and promote further development of communication networks in Serbia.

The municipalities all across the country have recognized the importance of electromagnetic field levels monitoring and supported RATEL’s initiative to install sensors, thus showing social responsibility to protect and preserve the health of the citizens.

The public can access the data pertaining to electromagnetic field levels through interactive Internet portal http://emf.ratel.rs/ and check measured electromagnetic field levels for any desired  available location.