First Special CERT registered


„Share Foundation“ is the first organization to have registered in the Registry of Special Centres for Prevention of Safety Risks in Information and Communication Systems (CERT). It is Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, within whose competency operates the National Center for Prevention of Safety Risks in ICT systems, that keeps records of Special Centres, in accordance with the Law on Information Security.

Awarding the decision on registration to „Share Foundation“, Dr Vladica Tintor, director of RATEL, said that, apart from Special CERTs registration, the Agency shall also monitor incident statuses on the national level, issue warnings and advices on ICT system incidents, continuously perform risk analyses, and undertake activities aimed at raising awarness of citizens, companies and public administration about the importance of information security.

„Share Foundation“ has a three-year long experience in information security activities, during which time it assisted online media and non-profit sector in solving security-related problems of their ICT systems.