Informatics Association of Serbia (IAS) Round Table


„Genuine cooperation in the domain of information security must be based on mutual trust, in the absence of which, there would be neither exchange of information, nor determination to work together to resolve security challenges and incidents. Wishing to establish good relations with all bodies and organizations, and to advance its role in raising awareness about information security, RATEL’s aim, through the elaboration of a draft document, is to help all interested entities prepare their Act on ICT systems security“, said dr Vladica Tintor, Director of RATEL, at the Round Table „Security Act – Law on Information Security“, hosted by IAS.

Tintor pointed out that RATEL has engaged to assist all operators of ICT systems of special importance to regulate, in the most convenient manner, protection measures for their systems. In return, RATEL expects constructive remarks and suggestions for draft improvement, leading consequently to a better final text in the period to follow.

Pursuant to the obligation prescribed by Law, RATEL is in the process of creating a special organizational unit which will perform tasks of National Center for Prevention of Safety Risks in ICT systems (National CERT), including coordination of prevention of and protection from security risks in ICT systems on the national level.

Having in mind that operators of ICT systems of special importance are obliged by the Law on Information Security to adopt an Act on ICT systems security and undertake appropriate protection measures, RATEL prepared the Draft act on ICT systems security, available to all bodies and organizations for consultation and adaptation to their particular needs.

The Draft act was presented at the Round Table held on March 28, at Hotel „Jump“. The meeting was attended and addressed by the representatives of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, independent ICT consultants and guests from numerous public institutions.