Database on capacities that can be subject of shared access and use


Pursuant to the Rulebook on the manner of collection and publication of the data on type, availability and geographic location of the electronic communications network’s capacities (Official Gazette of RS, no. 66/15, hereinafter: the Rulebook) it is foreseen to keep records of the electronic communications capacities which can be subject of shared use, in the form of an Agreggated Database on capacities.

On 27.06.2016, the Agency established the Database on capacities that can be subject of shared use and access. Within the prescribed deadline defined in the Rulebook, operators of public electronic communications networks provided the data on the type, availability and geographic location of the electronic communications network capacities that they own and that can be subject to the request for shared use and access.

In accordance with the Rulebook and the Law on Electronic Communications (Official Gazette of RS, nos. 44/10, 60/13 – US and 62/14), the Agency enabled the search of these data for the operators of public electronic communications networks which register.