Lower rates of regional roaming service from July 1


The Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL) wishes to inform mobile telephony users that, as of tomorrow, a further reduction of roaming prices in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia, comes into effect. Maximum allowed retail prices of roaming services in these countries, starting from July 1, 2017 shall be:

-Outgoing call (per minute) – 0.19 EUR,

-Incoming call (per minute) – 0.05 EUR,

-SMS – 0.06 EUR,

-Data transfer (per MB) – 0.20 EUR.

RATEL has set the beginning of validity of the new maximum roaming prices as a result of the Agreement on the reduction of roaming service prices in public mobile communication networks, concluded in 2014 between line ministries responsible for electronic communications of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia.