National CERT of the Republic of Serbia included in the Trusted Introducer List


Trusted Introducer is an international platform providing support for security and incident response teams in their activities against threats to the security of information systems. As of November 1, 2017, the Trusted Introducer’s List, with already more than 150 CERTs from all over the world, each of them covering different field activity, received yet another member, listed as SRB-CERT:

By getting included in the List, SRB-CERT became a hub to which other CERTs will be forwarding their incident alerts. We expect that, as a result of the membership in the Trusted Introducer, we will receive timely and reliable information on the trends and risks in the domain of information security.

In addition to National CERT, three more teams in our country, tasked with prevention from security risks to information systems are listed with the Trusted Introducer: AMRES-CSIRT (with the Academic Network of the Republic of Serbia, for scientific and educational institutions), CERT MUP (with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia) and SHARE CERT (with a non-profit foundation SHARE).