Visit of representatives of the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (EKIP) of Montenegro


The Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL) hosted the colleagues from the regulatory authority from Montenegro (EKIP) to present to them details of RATEL’s technical and other solutions intended for improvements of its business activities. At the meeting, RATEL’s information systems were showcased in 5 presentations: Document Management System, Internet Counter, License/ Technical Inspection/ Measurement Result Database, System and Procedures for Fee Payment, Consumer Protection. Dr Vladica Tintor said that the development of information systems has been in the focus of our efforts for ten years now – by means of internal application development or via external developers. He highlighted the fact that RATEL recently started to issue electronic licenses, in cooperation with the Office for Information Technologies and E-Government of the Republic of Serbia. „The basic idea is to gradually eliminate hard copy license documents, since at the moment we have 4000 users, both natural and legal persons, which requires the use of extremely big amounts of paper“.