Meeting on the implementation of the Radio Equipment Directive


The Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services in Belgrade is hosting an international meeting entitled „Implementation and enforcement of the Radio Equipment Directive (RED)“, on the 16th and 17th of October 2017.

Complete application of the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and EU Council on harmonization of the legislation of Member countries concerning placing on the market radio equipment, introducing new regulatory requirements for the radio equipment, started in June this year. Since this currently represents a very challenging topic, especially in the segmet of implementation, there was a need to discuss it between responible authorities of the countries in the region.

The subject of the meeting includes questions of the existing legal and institutional frames in the perspective of placing on the market and usage of radio equipment in the countries of the Southeast Europe, interpretations and clarifications of the application of the Radio Equipment Directive, and possibility of cooperation on the regional level.

The meeting is to be attended by the representatives of the regulatory bodies and state organizations of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, FYR Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro.