National Regulatory Authorities of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Hungary and Serbia sign Coordination Agreements


The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM) hosted a multilateral coordination meeting attended by the representatives of the Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RAK), the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro (EKIP) and the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Service of Serbia (RATEL).

At the work meeting, the participants exchanged experiences on the radio-frequency spectrum usage regulation, whereas the NRAs’ representatives signed the following documents:

  1.  Technical agreement on radio-frequency coordination in the frequency band of 700 MHz for MFCN and BB-PPDR systems between the administrations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia and
  2.  Technical agreement on radio-frequency coordination in the basic GSM-R frequency band of 876-880/921-925 MHz between the administrations of Croatia, Hungary and Serbia.  

The signing of the above agreements enables a more coherent use of the radio-frequency spectrum in the signatory countries’ border zones, for the purposes of mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN) in the radio-frequency band of 700 MHz, including railway purposes in the basic GSM-R band of 876-880/921-925 MHz.