RATEL’s Director Elected as a Member of BEREC Mini Board


The 33rd BEREC plenary meeting and the 4th IRG general assembly 2017, taking place on 7 and 8 December 2017 in Copenhagen (Denmark), are also attended by the delegation of the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL).
During the 33rd ordinary plenary meeting of the Management Committee of the BEREC Office, held on 7th December 2017 in Copenhagen, the elections were held for Chair 2019 and also for Vice-Chairs for 2018, when Mr. Johannes Gungl CEO Telecommunications at RTR (Austria) will be the Chair.
Mr Jeremy Godfrey, Commissioner of ComReg (Ireland) was elected Chair 2019. In addition to the elected Chair 2019 Mr Jeremy Godfrey and the outgoing Chair 2017 Mr Sébastien Soriano, Chairman of ARCEP (France), who will automatically serve one year as Vice-Chairs in 2018, other two Vice-Chairs for 2018 were also elected: Mr George Michealides, Commissioner of OCECPR (Cyprus) and Mr Dan Sjöblom, Director General of PTS (Sweden).
BEREC Chair and Vice-Chairs are also Chair and Vice-Chairs of IRG, which has one more member of the Board, a Vice-Chair from a non-EU country. Mr Vladica Tintor, Director of RATEL (Serbia) was elected a non-EU Vice-Chair 2018 of IRG. Also, the IRG Chair and all five Vice-Chairs form the BEREC mini board, which participates in the organization of BEREC plenary sessions, expert workshops and workshops for heads. Next year is going to be particularly challenging for BEREC management, since the European Electronic Communications Code, the new EU Framework for Electronic Communications is expected to be adopted in 2018.