Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements signed – SEDDIF activities completed


Bilateral meetings attended by thirteen out of the fourteen member countries of SEDDIF (South European Digital Dividend Implementation Forum) were held on December 5, 2017 in Budapest, Hungary. Representatives of the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services signed bilateral agreements governing replanning of the radio frequency band 470-694 MHz for radio broadcasting service (digital television) - Agreement on frequency coordination of digital terrestrial television (DTT) in the frequency band 470-694 MHz between Administration „A“ and Administration of the Republic of Serbia, with seven countries of the region: Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.

The above agreements include technical parameters of the newly agreed frequency assignments, as well as requirements for the „Geneva 2006 (GE06)“ digital plan modification, providing equal conditions for usage of the frequency band 470-694 MHz in the Republic of Serbia compared to the mentioned neighboring countries and countries of the region (SEDDIF). This shared achievement of SEDDIF has a significant importance to all the region, while two-year work results were declared a great success in the relations of the region’s administrations and their common objective of harmonization of the frequency band 470-790 MHz usage.

In addition, a Multilateral Framework Agreement on frequency plan for future digital terrestrial television in the frequency band 470-694 MHz, between administrations of Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, FYR Macedonia, Hungary, Montenegro, Romania, Republic of Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine was signed in Gödöllὅ, near Budapest, on December 6, 2017.

On the basis of this Agreement, administrations signatories confirm their approval of the frequency plan for digital television in the frequency band 470-694 MHz, represented in television channel allotment plans by allotment areas and which is annexed to this Agreement, whereas the administrations agree not to make any objections to coordination requests of the signatory countries which are in compliance with the signed bilateral agreements, in application of Article 4 of the ITU Agreement GE06.

This remarkable work came as a result of outstanding joint efforts and cooperation of the representatives of RATEL and of other regulatory authorities from the region.