Memorandum of Understanding between RATEL and FAS


The Third Annual International Conference Antimonopoly Policy: Science, Education, Practice is being held at Skolkovo Innovation Center in Moscow, on December 5-6, 2017.

On the margins of the Conference, Dragan Kovačević, Chairman of the RATEL Managing Board and Anatoly Golomozin, Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia), signed Memorandum of Understanding in the field of electronic communications and postal services regulation. The aim of the Memorandum is to develop and strengthen cooperation in the field of electronic communications and postal services regulation and to create favourable conditions for the development of bilateral relations, based on principles of equality and mutual benefit. The cooperation will be realized through an exchange of information on legislation development, exchange of experience in the field of regulation and exchange of national experiences of interdepartmental cooperation on the issues of tariff regulation in the field of electronic communications and postal services.

The subject of the Conference is „Digital Economy and Competition Policy“. During the Plenary Session, leading antimonopoly regulators and eminent experts in this field will discuss the importance of analytic approaches and tools used in the new economic era. In the focus of the Conference are topics related to antimonopoly policy, definition of markets, identification of dominant position of companies, regulation and control over public procurements.