Survey on degree of satisfaction of postal service users' needs


In line with its legal competences and the Strategy for the development of postal services in the Republic of Serbia 2021–2025, the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services – RATEL, aiming to achieve an extended and comprehensive overview of the postal markets, undertook at the beginning of 2024 a survey on the level of postal users’ satisfaction. Based on national representative samples, 1200 natural persons and 300 legal entities were interviewed during the research.

Some of the results of the study, pertaining to universal postal service provided by the PPO (PE „Post of Serbia“, Belgrade), for natural persons only, are below:

  • Majority of natural persons (76%) are satisfied with the scope of services provided by the Post of Serbia;
  • 89% of the respondents think that it is important to provide assistance with eGovernment service provision in post offices and 92% of the respondents think the same about services for vulnerable categories (senior citizens, disabled persons);
  • In the majority of cases, the quality of letter-post and parcel services (78% and 76%) is rated as satisfactory, despite 59% of the respondents having had negative experience during last year with delayed mail/parcel delivery;
  • 85% of the respondents are satisfied with the current proximity of post offices, with the least satisfied ones in sparsely populated rural areas (27%);
  • 76% of the respondents think that post offices’ working hours are compatible with their needs. Working hours on Saturdays are important to 73% of the respondents in urban areas.

A research on the provision of express postal services was undertaken as well, primarily regarding 5 postal operators with significant market power (Aks express, Bex express, City express, D express, Post express –  Post of Serbia). Some of the results relevant for natural persons are below:

  • 84% of the respondents used express postal services during last year;
  • 72% of the users highly rated the quality of express service provision;
  • The most frequent complaints to the operators were about delayed delivery (59%), failure to deliver items at the residence doorstep (53%) and problems regarding handover of items for dispatch (39%);
  • 83% of the respondents think that postal operators’ business units and couriers’ parcel lockers (74% of the respondents) in their vicinity is very important;
  • The possibility of payment via credit card to the courier is important to 74% of the postal service users.

A more detailed overview of the surveys both for natural and legal persons can be found at the following links:

  1. Survey on the degree of satisfaction of postal service users' needs for natural and legal persons (2024) – Summary
  2. Survey on the degree of satisfaction of postal service users' needs for natural and legal persons (2024) – Study