Coming Into Force of New Rulebooks


The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, within its prescribed competencies and deadlines, adopted the following rulebooks, that entered into force on July 27, 2024:

  • Rulebook on the establishment of Allotment Plan for radio frequencies in radio frequency bands 880–915/925–960 MHz ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 61/24 of July 19, 2024), establishing the Plan for allotment of radio frequencies for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks – MFCN for the provision of public electronic communication service in radio frequency bands 880–915/925–960 MHz for the territory of the Republic of Serbia. On the day of coming into force of this rulebook, the Allotment Plan for GSM/DCS 1800 radio system frequencies („Official Gazette of RS", Nos. 17/08 and 112/14 – other regulation) ceased to be applicable.
  • Rulebook on the establishment of Allotment Plan for radio frequencies in radio frequency bands 1710–1785/1805–1880 MHz ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 61/24 of July 19, 2024), establishing the Plan for allotment of radio frequencies for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks – MFCN for the provision of public electronic communication service in radio frequency bands 1710–1785/1805–1880 MHz for the territory of the Republic of Serbia. On the day of coming into force of this rulebook, the Rulebook on the establishment of the Plan for Allotment of radio frequencies for the operation in radio frequency bands 1710–1785/1805–1880 MHz („Official Gazette of RS", Nos. 112/14 and 125/14) ceased to be applicable.
  • Rulebook on the manner of determining universal service obligation, level of detail and manner of publishing data on universal service offers ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 61/24 of July 19, 2024), to be applied as of January 1, 2025, stipulating more closely the manner of determining universal service obligation, level of detail and manner of publishing accurate data on universal service offers. The business entity designated to provide universal service is obligated to make these data publicly available, particularly including data on geographic availability, prices, access and use requirements and quality of universal service provision.