Construction of the RF spectrum monitoring infrastructure system


To mark the finishing of reconstruction works on the Monitoring and Measurement Center (MMC) „Niš“, a meeting was held in RATEL’s premises with representatives of „Kodar inženjering“, company carrying out the construction activities.

At the meeting, it was concluded that the works are being realized according to the planned dynamics. The recovery of water supply lines, sewage, telecommunications and energy installation of the MMC premises is in its final phase. Access to the existing telecommunications pole has been secured and atmospheric precipitation piping system is soon to be finished. The set deadline for the finalization of the works in MMC „Niš“, September 15, will be fulfilled.

In the meantime, the investment and technical documentation for four new remotely controlled stations in Stanišić, Vizić, Vincaid and Vidojevica is being prepared. The works at these locations will start after the finalization of projects and acquisition of all necessary licenses and authorizations. The construction of all four locations is foreseen before the end of the year.

Dr Vladica Tintor, director of RATEL, pointed out that the reconstruction of MMC „Niš“ and construction of the four RF spectrum monitoring locations are the largest investment projects of the year. The construction of the unmanned remotely controlled stations will bring about important changes in the RF spectrum monitoring procedure and improve the efficiency of work in the present year and the years to come.