Visit to Exe Net operator from Niš


RATEL representatives visited yet another operator providing services of Internet access and media content distribution. Exe Net from Niš is one of the rare operators in Serbia offering the possibility od Internet access via optical network – which is considered as being the fastest and most reliable access.

„A great number of operators registered at RATEL, offer simultaneously services of media content distribution, Internet access and fixed telephony. We especially encourage investments enabling customers to access these services via optical infrastructure. For the development of electronic communications in Serbia it is important that as many as possible regional operators participate in the market competition, since they are familiar with customers’ needs on the local level“, said Dr Vladica Tintor, director of RATEL.

As part of its regulatory, monitoring and administrative activities, RATEL will monitor the work of all operators, in the interest of users and overall industry development in the Republic of Serbia. Service providers are expected to keep investing in the area of electronic communications development – from the segment of technology, to raising users’ raising users’ awareness of their rights and obligations.