First BEREC Plenary in Bratislava

The 34th Plenary Meeting of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the first General Assembly Meeting of the Independent Regulators Group (IRG) for year 2018 are taking place in Bratislava, Slovakia, on March 8 and 9. The meetings are attended by the delegation of RATEL, led by the Director, dr Vladica Tintor. The main topics on the agenda of the first BEREC plenary meeting in 2018 are: net neutrality, roaming, charging of telephone calls within the EU, guidelines for identification of SMP operators and new European regulatory frame in the field of electrinic communications.

During 2018, BEREC will be chaired by Mr Johannes Gungl, from RTR (Austria), while the Vice-Chairs, i.e. other members of the Mini-Board are: Mr Jeremy Godfrey from ComReg (Ireland), Mr Sebastien Soriano from ARCEP (France), Mr Dan Sjöblom from PTS (Sweden), Mr George Michaelides from OCECPR (Cyprus) and Mr Vladica Tintor from RATEL (Serbia).

Prior to the beginning of the IRG General Assembly, a meeting of non-EU countries was held, chaired by the Director of RATEL, Mr Vladica Tintor. The meeting was attended by the NRA representatives from Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Albania, Montenegro, FYR Macedonia and Serbia, and the most discussed topic was about the impact of the new EU regulatory frame application on the non-EU countries.

Additionally, on the initiative of Mr Roberto Viola, Director General of DG CONNECT (Directorate General of Communication, Networks, Content and Technology) at the European Commission, a meeting between the representatives of the EC and the four Western Balkan countries was held on the margins of the event. The subject of the meeting was implementation of the Strategy for the Western Balkans, with the emphasis on the reduction in roaming prices between the countries in the region and EU Member countries.