Participation of RATEL in SecurePath Conference 2018


During the SecurePath Conference, dedicated to information systems security, organized by SAGA company and held on March 27, 2018, dr Vladica Tintor, Director of RATEL, presented the position, role and responsibilities of the National CERT of the Republic of Serbia, as regards the prevention of security risks in ICT systems, reflected in the current legal frame governing this area. Additionally, the Register of Special CERTs, the management of which falls within the national CERT’s competence, followed by the procedure of incident resolution through cooperation and coordination with competent institutions on the national level, were also introduced at the conference.

In his address, the Director highlighted the importance of establishing an international cooperation and introduced future RATEL’s plans in this field, adding that one of the main goals in the following period is creation of the national CERT’s Internet page, with an integrated incident report system. One of the priorities will also consist in meeting the prescribed requirements for membership in the international organization FIRST, taking into account that the National CERT has already been listed on the Trusted Introducer’s web site.

Other lecturers at the Conference were M. Joerg Stephan, security consultant with IBM, dr Dragan Pleskonjić, information security director at IGT company and dr Milan Kukrika, professor at the University of Belgrade. Basic topics were the analysis of previous ICT system attacks and capacity of prediction of possible future attacks, application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in ICT systems protection and implementation of personal data protection systems. Representatives of the Ministry of Interior’s CERT also made presentation on their experience in this field.