RATEL’s meeting with representatives of Foreign Investors Council


The traditional meeting between representatives of RATEL and Foreign Investors Council (FIC), with the topic „Activity Plan of the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services for 2018“ took place today. The FIC Telecommunications and Information Technologies Committee gathers 30 members, including mobile operators with business activities on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

Eight priority objectives in RATEL’s activities projected for 2018 were presented at the meeting, with implementation of future legal provisions in the domain of electronic communications and postal services expected to be the most important one.

„The Agency has been monitoring roaming prices on the regional level for three years now, while electromagnetic field levels in urban areas have been measured by means of 9 sensors for quite a while. By the end of the year, we plan to mount another 14 sensors and in this project other entities are also allowed to participate, with their sensors to be connected to our network. In order to increase the RF spectrum efficiency, new Allocation Plan and Allotment Plans will be prepared. By the end of the year, the Agency will have 11 measurement stations for RF spectrum monitoring. We have performed parallel measurements of mobile network quality parameters in 35 cities; 6000 calls and 100 000 data transfer sessions have been carried out in all available technologies. All related information is publicly presented and can be found on RATEL’s Internet address“, said dr Vladica Tintor, director of RATEL, adding that the National CERT has been functioning under the Agency’s authority for two years now and that recently RATEL has become member of Trusted Introducer, an international platform for the support to the activities of information systems incident and security response teams.

The meeting between RATEL and FIC was also attended by representatives of the operators Vip Mobile, Telekom Srbija, Telenor, company Nokia Solutions, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and several Belgrade law offices.