Meeting of the European regulators in Belgrade


On September 14 and 15, the Contact Network meeting of BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications) is being held in Belgrade.

At this meeting, members of the BEREC Contact Network will discuss current topics related to the regulation of the EU electronic communications market, questions regarding the document on Internet neutrality, market analysis, next generation networks development, EU roaming and changes to the European electronic communications regulatory frame. At the Contact Network meeting, the BEREC work material for 2018 and Strategy document for 2018-2020 will be prepared.

Representatives of 37 European countries are taking part in this meeting. The Republic of Serbia has been an observer since 2013 and this is the first time that the Serbian regulatory authority, RATEL, is hosting this gathering.

BEREC was founded in 2009 as an organization “committed to independent, consistent, high-quality regulation of electronic communications markets for the benefit of Europe and its citizens.” The three strategic aims of BEREC are: promotion of competition and investment, promotion of the common internal market and protection of end-users.