National Assembly Committee adopted RATEL’s Activity Report for 2016

The National Assembly Committee on Spatial Planning, Transport, Infrastructure and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia adopted, at its 17th session, the Annual Report on Activities of the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL) for 2016.

Presenting the results of the activities during the previous year, dr Vladica Tintor, director of RATEL, informed the Committee that the total income of the Agency in 2016 amounted to 1.88 billion dinars, while the total expenditure was 823 million dinars.

„In 2016, additional 105,053.111 million Euros were paid into the budget of the Republic of Serbia, as a result of the sale of digital dividend. At the last year’s sitting of the Committee, we anounced the reconstruction of our Monitoring and Measurement Centers (MMCs) and are presently pleased to say that these activities are being realized successfully. The works on the MMC in Niš are soon to be done, while also 4 locations for the construction of remotely controlled monitoring and measurement stations have been chosen. These stations will enable automated monitoring of the RF spectrum on a selected part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia“, said the director of RATEL.