Protocol on cooperation between Serbian Business Registers Agency and RATEL


Director of the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL), dr Vladica Tintor and director of the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA), Zvonko Obradović, signed today a protocol on cooperation with the aim of a more efficient data exchange.

In order for all the possibilities of the ICT domain to be fully exploited, the data exchange will be carried out electronically, using the two information systems interconnection via web service.

This type of cooperation will increase automation level of activities carried out by RATEL within its competencies and facilitate cooperation with operators of public communications networks and services when fulfilling their mutual obligations. This collaboration represents one contribution more to the digitalization of the entire state administration.

The cooperation between RATEL and SBRA, as defined in the protocol, shall incude:

1.use of data from registers kept by SBRA in accordance with law;

2.use of data from RATEL’s information system that might be required by SBRA for carrying out of activities within its competence;

3.establishment of a technical platform for maintaining direct communication and connecting the two information systems with the aim of data exchange based on individual online query via web service or using similar technologies, as a contribution to the cooperation between the signatories; of experience, expert assistance, training and seminars.

Technical and technological requirements for data download via SBRA web service for change monitoring and download of data on registered legal persons and entrepreneurs („PLWS“) are defined in a special agreement. This web service has been successfully used for several years now by numerous state organs and institutions, as well as other companies.

The exchange and use of personal data will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law on personal data protection.