RATEL representatives visiting BEX operator


Within Agency’s activities pertaining to relations with postal operators, RATEL’s representatives visited postal operator BEX from Šabac, where they met with this operator’s members of management.

„On the territory of the Republic of Serbia, postal services are provided by 57 postal operators. Among them there is one licensed public postal operator, whereas others have regulatory body’s authorization to provide commercial services, namely express or courier services. During last year only, we issued 18 authorizations for the provision of postal services. Within our legal authorization and competence, we wish to be more present with all operators, not only in regulatory matters, which are binding for you, but also to help and assist you with any of your problems, in our common task of fostering competition and legality in this industry branch“, said dr Vladica Tintor, director of RATEL.

BEX representatives confirmed that, not unlike other postal operators, this company also faces the problem of disloyal competition on the postal market, expecting that the new law, coupled with joint action of the competent ministry and regulator will provide solution to this problem. In BEX they say the potential of postal market has been clearly identified and that during 2 previous years this company invested in its enhanced business solutions and increase of capacities.

„The new Law on Postal Services, which is expected to introduce new competencies for the Agency, such as expert supervision, will enable RATEL, based on the experience acquired, to contribute to a wider range of benefits for postal service users and to better work conditions of postal operators“, reminded dr Tintor, adding that this was just one visit to Serbian operators of many to follow.