RATEL hosts regional meeting on end-user protection
RATEL hosted, on November 27 and 28, a regional meeting on end-user protection in the area of electronic communications services, gathering the representaives of regulatory authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RAK), North Macedonia (AEK), Slovenia (AKOS), Croatia (HAKOM) and Montenegro (EKIP).
The participants were greeted by RATEL’s director Dragan Pejović, who stressed the importance of such type of collaboration, consisting primarily of the exchange of knowledge and good practice.
In the follow-up of the working part of the meeting, it was talked about applicable regulations stipulating the area of end-user protection in the countries of the region, as well as about other legal acts governing the precontractual information about the content and requirements of the agreement, changes of contractual conditions, contracting manner, duration and termination of the agreement. The participants discussed the topics of mediation procedures and out-of-court dispute resolution. Various tasks put before the regulators were considered: those of launching and conducting the procedures and making appropriate decisions, especially when dealing with end-user complaints regarding the bill amount, quality of service provided, change of contractual requirements made by the service provider, as well as acting upon the users’ requests addressed to the regulator on various basis.
Special focus was placed on the exchange of experience in resolving the numerous issues facing the regulators regarding the protection of end-users of electronic communications services.