PMSE involves the use of equipment for the production of programs and the organisation of special events. PMSE includes SAP (Services Ancillary to Programme making), SAB (Services Ancillary to Broadcasting) and ENG/OB (Electronic News Gathering/Outside Broadcasting) applications.
The frequency bands intended for PMSE are defined in the Allocation Plan.
The radio frequency spectrum in the bands allocated to PMSE is used on the basis of an individual licence for the use of the radio frequency spectrum, which is issued upon request.
In certain radio frequency bands, the use of terrestrial audio and video applications for PMSE may be subject to a general authorisation regime, in accordance with the column "Manner of issuing licences" of the Allocation Plan.
Form ZPD – Request for issuing an individual/temporary licence for the use of the radio frequency spectrum
Form ZPDPR-SPL - Request for issuing a temporary licence for the use of the radio frequency spectrum to a foreign legal entity