The “roam like home” rules in the Western Balkans region (hereinafter: regional roaming) have been in effect since 1 July 2021, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement on the price reduction of the roaming services in public mobile communications networks in the Western Balkans region. This means that additional roaming charges on the domestic retail price of mobile communications network services that users pay in domestic traffic have been abolished, enabling them to use these services in regional roaming under the same conditions as in the domestic network.
The “roam like home” rules also include a fair usage policy. The user should pay attention to the restrictions regarding the data transmission service in regional roaming for certain domestic tariff packages setting the allowed amount of data that can be used in regional roaming, after which the user must pay an additional roaming fee, about which more detailed information can be obtained from their mobile operator.
The fair usage policy also enables the prevention of abuse and inappropriate use of regional roaming services by users. Higher consumption in regional roaming compared to domestic traffic or longer stays in the visited countries of the Western Balkans region compared to the Republic of Serbia for a period of at least four months indicate inappropriate use of regional roaming services. In such a case, the mobile operator shall warn the user and give him/her a period of 15 days to change the usage pattern, after which it may start charging a roaming surcharge on top of the domestic retail price of the mobile communications network service. Such collection of surcharge shall cease as soon as the user's consumption no longer indicates a risk of abuse or inappropriate use of regional roaming services, based on objective indicators established by the Rulebook on the implementation of the fair use policy, methodology for assessing the sustainability of the abolition of retail roaming surcharges and the request submitted by the roaming service provider for the purpose of such assessment ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 53/21).
Mobile operators have published on their official websites the general terms and conditions under which the fair use policy is applied in their business operations, including the price lists applicable as of 1 April 2023:
Telekom Srbija JSC:
Yettel LLC:
A1 Srbija LLC:
Globaltel LLC: