RATEL hosts SE19 Project Team meeting
The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL) is hosting the 94th SE19 Project Team meeting (Broadband Applications in Fixed Service), which is organized by the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) and for the first time being held in Belgrade, on September 5-7, 2023. The meeting, chaired by Josch Luxa of the German NRA (Bundesnetzagentur), is attended by 33 participants (20 physically present in Belgrade, with others taking part online), out of which the representatives of nine state administrations and two European organizations (European Communications Office – ECO and European Telecommunications Standards Institute – ETSI), as well as various companies (Ericsson, Nokia, Apple GmbH, Huawei, Orange, NEC, Deutsche Telekom Group, OneWeb, Vodafone and SIAE Microelettronica SpA).
The SE19 Project Team deals with:
- Preparation of harmonized frequency allocation plans and provision of guidelines for the implementation of new broadband applications in fixed radio services (FS, fixed services);
- Research of the development of new technologies applied in fixed radio services;
- Frequency band splitting, including traditional fixed links (such as radio-relay links) and broadband applications;
- Coordination of activities under the scope of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector, ITU-R;
- Cooperation with ETSI ATTM/TM4 (point-to-point and multipoint radio systems) working group, in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding between CEPT and ETSI.
The next SE19 Project Team meeting will be held in April 2024.