New rulebook enters into force
The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, within the prescribed competences and deadlines, has adopted the following rulebook, which entered into force on 7 Decembr 2024:
Rulebook on the manner and conditions of shared use of electronic communications networks, associated assets and real estate, the degree of availability of free space and the basic elements of shared use agreements ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 95/24 of 29 November 2024), which shall apply from 1 January 2025, stipulating in more detail the manner and conditions of shared use, including physical collocation, of elements of the electronic communications network, associated assets and real estate for the use of which another operator or a third party has established a right of easement or real estate acquired in the expropriation procedure, i.e. when a new electronic communications network and associated assets cannot be built or installed without harmful consequences for the environment, public safety, implementation of spatial plans or preservation of cultural assets, the degree of availability of free space and the basic elements of the contract on shared use.