RATEL hosts 61st FM22 WG Meeting
The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL), will host, on April 16-19, the 61th FM22 WG (Working Group Frequency Management – Monitoring and Enforcement) Meeting, organized by the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC), within the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT). This working group deals with the issues of radio frequency spectrum monitoring and examines radio frequency spectrum intended for the existing and planned services, including international recommendations and ECA (European Common Frequency Allocation) reviews. In addition, it performs the exchange of information on measurement campaigns in various frequency bands, administrative and technical procedures and keeps the statistics of harmful interference, as well as specific occurrences thereof on a yearly basis.
The gathering was opened by RATEL’s technical director, Dragoljub Stefanović MSc, who greeted the participants and highlighted the importance of spectrum management, presenting the current RATEL’s activities and future plans in the area of radio frequency spectrum monitoring and its development.