RATEL visits General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces
BELGRADE, December 2023 – Upon invitation by the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, a delegation of RATEL paid a visit to the Telecommunications and IT Administration, in order to present the latest Market Overview Data for Electronic Communications and Postal Services in the Republic of Serbia for 2022. Representatives of the Administration were acquainted with the information about electronic communications market and operators’ services, models for the improvement of postal market competition, and the work of the National CERT, cooperating since its establishment with the Serbian Armed Forces through joint exercises, trainings and elaboration of platforms for various types of simulation and other activities. During the work visit, a common review of the current cooperation was made, along with consideration of possible improvements in the one yet to come.The purpose of the traditional market overview presentation at the end of the calendar year, primarily in the segment of electronic communications, is to enable administrative telecommunications and IT services of the Serbian Armed Forces to follow the development trends and exchange information in this area of civil society.