New Rulebooks come into force
The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, within its prescribed competencies and deadlines, adopted the following rulebooks, that entered into force on October 19, 2024:
- Rulebook on number portability for the services provided on public mobile communication networks ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 82/24 of October 11, 2024), to be applied as of June 1, 2025, stipulating the terms and conditions which need to be fulfilled by the providers of communications services based on the use of numbering, end-users and Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communicationas and Postal Services (hereinafter: the Regulator) in regard to the national number portability for public mobile communications network services from the Numbering Plan, the number porting manner, deadlines and the number porting fee, as well as the setting of fees in case of the number porting deadline overrun.
- Rulebook on number portability for the services provided on public mobile communication networks at a fixed location ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 82/24 of October 11, 2024), to be applied as of June 1, 2025, stipulating the terms and conditions which need to be fulfilled by the providers of communications services based on the use of numbering, end-users and the Regulator in regard to the national number portability from the Numbering Plan for public mobile communications network services at a fixed location, a national number for other non-geographic services and the short code for commercial services, the number porting manner, deadlines and the number porting fee, as well as the setting of fees in case of the number porting deadline overrun. The provisions of this rulebook do not apply for the providers of services on public mobile communication networks and for national numbers for public mobile communication services from the Numbering Plan.
- Rulebook on the manner of use of radio stations by radio-amateurs („Official Gazette of RS", No. 82/24 of October 11, 2024), stipulating the manner of use of radio stations by radio amateurs, technical and other requirements for the use of radio stations, as well as the layout and content of radio amateurs’ licenses and certificates.
- Rulebook on the manner of monitoring the radio frequency spectrum usage, technical inspection procedure and protection from harmful interference ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 82/24 of October 11, 2024), stipulating the manner of radio frequency spectrum monitoring, technical inspection procedures and protection from harmful interference. The Regulator performs permanent monitoring of the use of radio frequency spectrum as a national scarce resource and undertakes measures to remove harmful interference and prevent the illegal use of RF spectrum, including irregularities during the technical inspection procedure, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Electronic Communications („Official Gazette of RS", No. 35/23) and other relevant by-laws stemming from it, which govern the area of expert supervision in electronic communications. The provisions of this Rulebook do not apply to the radio stations and radio systems operating in the frequency bands allocated for special purposes.
- Rulebook on the quality parameters for publicly available electronic communication services ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 82/24 of October 11, 2024), to be applied three months following the day of its coming into force, i.e. as of October 19, 2024, stipulating the quality parameters for publicly available electronic communication services (hereinafter: services), the content, form and manner of informing the end-users on the quality of service offered and the manner of determining the quality of services, and setting a minimum service provision quality for public electronic communications network operators.