New Rulebooks Come into Force
The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, within its prescribed competencies, adopted the following rulebooks, that will enter into force on April 13, 2024:
- Rulebook on the content and manner of notification of international interconnection agreements („Official Gazette of RS”, No. 30/24 of April 5, 2024), regulating in detail the content and manner of notification of international interconnection agreements closed between public communications network operators, their obligations as regards the procedure of leasing communication capacities interconnected with a public electronic communications network of an operator in another country, as well as the keeping of register of international interconnection agreements by the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services.
- Rulebook on the terms and conditions for access to and usage of the data from a public phone directory („Official Gazette of RS”, No. 30/24 of April 5, 2024) applicable as of July 1, 2024, stipulating in detail the terms and conditions regarding the access to and use of the data contained in the public phone directory of a provider of publicly available communications services based on the use of numbering and the comprehensive phone directories containing the data on all end-users of voice communications services in the Republic of Serbia.
- Rulebook on content of the form for submitting the data and the manner of submitting the data on the used numbers and addresses from the Numbering Plan („Official Gazette of RS“, NO. 30/24 of April 5, 2024), stipulating the contents of the form for submitting the data and the manner of submitting the data on the used numbers and addresses from the Numbering Plan for the purpose of determining the annual fee for the use of number resources.
- Rulebook on the application of the cost-accounting principle and reporting by a business entity with significant market power in the area of electronic communications („Official Gazette of RS“, No. 30/24 of April 5, 2024), regulating the principles, models and basic methodology of cost accounting with the calculation of cost price for all types of final outputs (market services) of a business entity with significant market power (hereinafter: SMP business entity) in the electronic communications sector by applying the historical cost accounting, current cost accounting and long run incremental cost (LRIC) accounting models, principles and rules for the application of separate accounts for revenues, expenditures, profit and loss, assets and liabilities by types of market services, pertinent to the share directly attributable to the services or allocated thereto (segment reporting), principles and rules for calculation of cost capital by types of market services (final outputs) and proposed sales prices for the SMP business entity, manner of collecting data from the SMP business entity in the relevant market for the LRIC model application and establishment of cost-based prices of the regulated wholesale services of the SMP business entity, material and formal contents, manner and deadline for submitting official and internal regulatory financial reports of the SMP business entity to the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services.