Adequate management of the radio frequency spectrum as a limited natural resource is a national interest of the Republic of Serbia. RATEL manages the RF spectrum in accordance with the Law on Electronic Communications, related by-laws and relevant international documents.
The aim of the RF spectrum management is to enable smooth operation of different services and is realized through the following activities:
· Radio frequency usage planning in accordance with corresponding international agreements and recommendations, in the best interest of the citizens, economy and national security;
· Assignment of the radio frequency spectrum based on the allocation plan and allotment plans;
· Coordination of the radio frequency usage with neighboring and other countries;
· Monitoring of the radio frequency spectrum usage, detection of harmful interferences and taking measures to remove them.
All of the above activities are carried out by RATEL based on the the principles of objectivity, transparency, competitiveness, non-discrimination and proportionality, as well as completed harmonization of the use of the RF spectrum at the European or international level.
RATEL collaborates with international organizations and other countries' administrations tasked with RF spectrum management both independently and through the competent national bodies.
The RF bands allocation plan stipulates the allocation of radio frequency bands to specific radio communications services and industries, including the conditions and grounds of use.
The RF allotment plans provide the requirements for the allotment of radio frequencies from the allocated radio frequency bands, allotment of radio frequencies by location or by region for one or more radio communications services and industries, as well as other technical requirements for the use of radio frequencies.